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Showing posts from September, 2020

Book Review: The Odyssey, Homer

Olive is mid-nap and I am busy dunking as much galaxy chocolate into my tea as I possibly can. Heaven. So...I'll try and be brief and not waffle too much but I know that will hard. I started The Odyssey after reading The Blood Meridian as they compared it to the Odyssey in the introduction. It's always a book that I've wanted to read but it's always scared me. Greek epic poetry always sits highly with me as the greatest pieces of literature but I put it out of my reach because it felt like I needed to climb a mountain to read it. But, no - what I've found is that it depends on the translation you read. I'm fascinated with translations. During my teacher training year, I got an Italian sixth former to read a Petrarchan sonnet in Italian and I read the English. The Italian proceeded to tell us how different they actually are in meaning. It fascinates me what is lost in translation. Not just the words change, the entire meaning.  Right, Olive is up. I will cont