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Showing posts from March, 2020

The Art of Teaching: Rosenshine's 'Principles of Instruction'

This blog was started due to beginning the MTPT Project (Maternity Teacher Paternity Teacher Project) whilst being pregnant and preparing for my maternity leave. My school fortunately contributed to support me through this process and I started having coaching sessions with a life coach that was arranged through the project. The one-on-one time with this coach began as a conversation about what this maternity project would look like during my maternity leave. I had all sorts of ideas; from starting an MA, to helping the elderly. One thing I knew is that I didn't know what I was capable of until I had a child so I was going into the project quite blind. I wanted to be open minded. For the first months of motherhood, I was absorbed into being a Mummy and our lives completely changed. Now, with a six month old, things have changed very slightly. Light has started to creep in from working life. I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctors and I read the introduction of Blood M